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Thursday, January 24, 2013

Greetings from the new Worship Committee Moderator. We want to thank Christie Neal for her dedicated service as moderator this past year.  She did an outstanding job coordinating and directing many events and activities.  We look forward to her continuing service on the Worship Committee.


Boy Scout Sunday is Feb. 3rd.  Current and former scouts, please wear your uniform.  If it doesn’t fit, wear a pin, medal or other appropriate identification.  Our sponsored Troop and Pack will be taking a major roll in worship by greeting, lighting the candles, performing liturgist functions, providing the Children’s Message and collecting the offering.  We applaud them for their volunteered service.  After all, the twelfth Scout Law is “Reverence”.  On this day we will also celebrate the traditional sacrament of Holy Communion.  All who understand and believe are welcome and encouraged to partake.


Many more spiritual and inspirational activities will be taking place this year and before you realize it, Ash Wednesday will be upon us.  February 13th we will have the traditional 6:00 Soup Supper followed by the inspiring Ash Service in the sanctuary.  Many of you may not know, but the ashes actually come from burning the Palms from the previous years Palm Sunday Service.  This procedure by the Worship Committee has been going on for many years and represents to all more than just recycling.


The first Sunday in Lent always follows Ash Wednesday.  Most of us good Presbyterians know that.  But do you know that the colors of the paraments change from Green on 2/3 to White then on 2/10 to purple and on Ash Wednesday through Good Friday when they change to Black  On Easter they are back to White.  Take a good look at the pulpit and lectern and notice these significant changes.


Here is a brief “look ahead” for additional Lenten Season events:

  • February  3 – Confirmation classes begin
  • February 10 – Palentine Pot Luck Lunch
  • February 16 – REAP Pancake Breakfast
  • February 17 – Praisebyterian Sunday
  • March 3 – Communion by Intinction
  • March 24 – Palm Sunday
  • March 28 – Maundy Thursday, 6:00 Potato Supper, 7:15 Tenebrae Service
  • March 29 – Good Friday, No planned events
  • March 31 – Easter Sunday
  • April 28 – Confirmation & Pot Luck Lunch


As a reminder, starting Feb. 3, if you signed up for sanctuary flowers, it will be your responsibility to buy them at Hy-Vee, pay for them and bring them to church by 9:30 AM on the Sunday you are dedicating them.  If we do not have dedication flowers, the church will provide seasonal silk bouquets. Thank you for your continued support of this memoriam.


Yours in Christ

Love, Peace, Joy, Grace  & Harmony

Gary Oberlander- Moderator